Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Girls Night Out!

Is your Christmas to-do list a mile long?!? We decided to set a night 
and tackle some of those projects that still need to be done.

Whether it's neighbor gifts, teacher gifts, family gifts,
or just something for YOU (wink, wink)
let's check it off your to-do list!
We will have all of our kits available to complete, paint, brushes, good company...
and best of all 
a CLEAN HOUSE to go home to!

So please join us...
Thursday, December 1
7:30 pm
Lisa Perrenoud's home
Stansbury Park
(let us know if you need directions)

Anyone is welcome! Bring a friend!
Come join us for a fun, productive night!

If you are interested in coming please RSVP by
Monday, December, 28th
leave a comment, email us at mailto:%7Bkreativekits@yahoo.com}, or feel free to contact
Lisa at 435-830-6914

We always have kits on hand, however, any kits
 with personalization will need to be ordered in advance to be ready for you on this
fun night!

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